Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anthony Fejfar's History Blog: Steam Powered Ships and Zeppelins in Early Europe,...

Anthony Fejfar's History Blog: Steam Powered Ships and Zeppelins in Early Europe,...: "It is quite possible that America was colonized from Europe with Steam Powered Zeppelins and Ships much earlier than you might expect. First..."

Steam Powered Ships and Zeppelins in Early Europe, Asia, and America

It is quite possible that America was colonized from Europe with Steam Powered Zeppelins and Ships much earlier than you might expect. First of all, it appears that helium gas, needed to keep a Zeppelin Air Balloon machine in the Air can be made from oxygen gas, nitrogen gas, and CO2 gas mixed togather. Helium gas is lighter than air, and thus can raise a Zeppelin balloon to a height convenient for flying. With respect to the propeller propulsion for both a Zeppelin balloon as well as an ocean going ship, the propeller shaft can be turned by either a group of men riding stationary bicycles, or, in the alternative, using a steam engine. A steam engine works by using coal made from a Coal Kiln, which is burned in a steel or iron or brass or copper, box with a door in the front with vent slots which is used to shovel the coal into the burn box. On the top of the burn box is a iron, or copper, or brass, or iron water tank. The burning coal brings the water to boil in the boiler tank and a pipe from the boiler tank then allows steam from the boiling water to move down the pipe and then turn a wheel with cups facing the direction of the steam exiting from the pipe. This wheel assembly is enclosed in a metal box itself. Then, the turning wheel or steam turbine has a drive shaft attached to the center which is the shaft for the propeller which pushes a ship forward in water with the propeller located approximately 3 feet to 8 feet below the surface of the ocean. In a Zeppelin Air Ship the construction is the same but the propeller in the rear of the Air Ship has fan type blades which push the Air Ship forward by pushing against the air. A ship with a steam propeller system or a Zeppelin Air Ship with a similar propulsion system could power a ship which easily could travel in a few weeks, at most, from Ireland (next to Britain) to the New World of America. Additionally, travel across the Pacific Ocean from Vladivostok Russia or Peking China, to Alaska and Canada and America in the New World would also be a relatively short trip.

(C)Perpetual Copyright (2011) by Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA)